Free parking

Updated as of 19 January 2024

Parking for free remains in place at Dulles Airport for 2024.

When you volunteer as a greeter for the Honor Flights, the driver of the vehicle is eligible to park for free while at the airport. The Washington Metropolitan Airport Authority has been very, very generous in providing this benefit. You will need to register on our website for each flight that you attend. Make sure that you answer “YES” to the required question – “Will you be driving and requesting a parking placard?”  

When you register to attend a flight, your email address is captured. 48 to 36 hours before the flight arrives, an email will be sent to you with a parking placard that is good for the day of each flight. Print it out and place it on the dashboard of your car. Volunteers who do not sign up in advance will have to pay to park in Garage #1 or the daily lot in front of the terminal. Current rates are $6.00 per hour to a maximum of $21.00 for Garages #1 and #2 and $6.00 per hour to a maximum of $32.00 for the daily surface lot directly in front of the terminal. Directions to the free lot will be sent to the registered driver 48 to 36 hours ahead of the flight date.

The surface lot which we are allowed to use is about a 3-5 minute walk to the terminal depending on your pace. It is not much further than walking in from Garage #1. It is not a covered walk so be prepared if there is inclement weather on flight day.